Mayor’s Spotlight Light Life Savings Award Presented to Bellevue Resident Terry Ingram

  • 22 January 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 4954
Mayor’s Spotlight Light Life Savings Award Presented to Bellevue Resident Terry Ingram

Bellevue Mayor Rusty Hike and the Bellevue City Council awarded local photographer and businessman Terry Ingram the Mayor’s Spotlight Light Life Savings Award at Monday evenings City Council Meeting as a small token of thanks for the acts of bravery and courage he demonstrated on Saturday, January 11th!

Mr. Ingram was out near Harlan Lewis Road trying to capture the perfect picture of some eagles that were in the area.At some point during this photo shoot, a white car flew by, heading north over the railroad tracks in the area and lost control before crashing through the ice in an adjacent pond and landing upside down in the freezing water.

Fortunately, Mr. Ingram was in the right place at the right time. He immediately called 911 and then got out of the car and ran into the ice cold water to pull three men out of the car as the freezing water was filling the car.

Please check out this link from KETV - Channel 7 which describes the event in far more detail.…/rollover-rescue-bellevue-ma…/30483642

Terry Ingram, the City of Bellevue and the entire Bellevue/Offutt Community are proud of your selfless efforts and we are also happy that you were in the right place at the right time to help these three young men survive this accident!. Thank you!!!!

Categories: Announcements
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