Bellevue City Council Votes to Move Forward with Design to Rehab Two Bellevue Pools

  • 13 June 2016
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 10239
Bellevue City Council Votes to Move Forward with Design to Rehab Two Bellevue Pools

City of Bellevue Public Works Director Jeff Roberts and Andy Smith from Larkin Aquatics presented their recommendations for the rehabilitation of a couple of Bellevue's Public Swimming Pools to the Bellevue City Council at Monday night's meeting.

The recommendation that was presented included the rehabilitation of Cascio and Gilbert Pools at this time with the intent of modernizing these two facilities. The concepts that were presented to the City Council are included in the pictures of this article.

Some of the proposed features that would be included in this rehab project would include slides into a plunge pool, splash features, zero depth entry into the pool, additional shelters and improved ADA accessible bathhouse's. Cascio and Gilbert pools were chosen for these rehab projects in part due to the available space at these pools for these features to be installed.

The Bellevue City Council voted unanimously to move forward with the design of the improvements at these two pools with a tentative plan of being ready for use by the public in the summer of 2017.

Categories: Announcements
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