What are the parking fines?
PARKING FINES (Resolution #R89-0508-07)
Code 18-11 Riding roller skates, coaster, toy vehicle or similar device upon the roadway. $15.00
(See Skateboards)
Code 18-15 Driving between vehicle in funeral procession (No driver of a vehicle $15.00
shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral or other authorized procession
while they are in motion and when such vehicles are conspicuously designated
as a funeral processing).
Code 18-66 Long and continuous parking (See Parking - Long and continuous) $10.00
Code 18-76 Parking recreational vehicles, trailers and boats on the right-of-way. $10.00
(See Parking - Recreational Vehicle)
Code 18-86 Parking in a no parking zone $ 5.00
Code 18-87 Obstructing driveways and alleys (except Fire Dept) $ 5.00
(See Parking, Obstructing Driveways, Alleys, etc)
Code 18-87 Obstructing Fire Department driveway $15.00
(See Parking, Obstructing Driveways, Alleys, etc)
Code 18-87 Within 15 feet of fire hydrant $10.00
(See Parking, Obstructing Driveways, Alleys, etc)
Code 18-87 Within 30 feet of stop sign, red or yellow curb line or within any intersection $10.00
or sidewalk or left side to curb.
(See Parking, Obstructing Driveways, Alleys, etc)
Code 18-88 Obstructing alley $10.00
Code 18-89 Parking for display of sale $10.00
(No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for
the purpose of displaying such vehicle for sale)
Code 18-89 Greasing or repairing vehicle except in emergency $10.00
(No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of greasing or repairing except repairs necessitated by an emergency)
Code 18-90 Parking in schools' designated "no parking" areas $10.00
Code 18-92 Left side to curb - one-way streets $10.00
(in the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are erected to permit such standing or parking.)
Code 18-95 Parking trucks with five ton license which exceed eight (8) feet in width or twenty-one (21) feet in length while not actively engaged in loading, unloading, delivery or collection of goods, wares and merchandise. $10.00
(See Parking - Trucks)
Code 18-107 Parking in Handicapped Space $25.00
Any violation not otherwise listed $10.00
All fines double if not paid within seven (7) days after issuance of the citation.